Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Roommate Tiff Part 3 & I Feel Bad

SO!........I get back from work the day of the meeting with the RA, which I set up to be around 10:30 since I knew I’d be back before then, and guess what I find.  My roommate….. ASLEEP!  She was freaking asleep.  When she knew dang well what time I said the meeting was AND she knew how important the reason for the meeting was to me.  But nooooooo.  She decided to fall asleep….. bad lady.  She totally did it on purpose too.  I know what you’re thinking.  I shouldn’t assume that she intentionally went to sleep to get out of the meeting. But that’s exactly what she did.  One of my friends even told me when I brought it up that she intentionally went to sleep.  Her exact words were “It’s her way or the highway.”  And it wasn’t that hard to believe the sleeping was intentional.  It was 10:30 at night and she doesn’t usually go to bed until 12:30.  Faking butt bad lady.  Now my roommate and I are civil…..we talk sometimes (question-answer question-answer mostly) but that’s about it.  SO not what I wanted in my college life.  Just so awkward.
                But yeah.  That’s that.  What do you think about my situation?
                 This weekend Daniel’s coming over since this was the weekend we verbally agreed he could.  I haven’t brought it up again cause I’m just so over this fake butt girl.  But yeah, he’s coming over and spending the whole weekend.  And oh yeah.  He still can’t stay in the room while I’m at work so he has to stay with me at my job (5 hours or until I get done cleaning after we close at 10).  I feel really bad because he’s constantly waiting on me.  Whether it’s waiting for me to get off of work or waiting up with me while I finish my hw or waiting for me to get done me 8+ years of college, Daniel is always waiting on me.  It makes me feel horrible.  He does a lot of other stuff too aside from wait me but I feel like I’m taking up all his time.  I even told him that that was how I felt and he just said “I like having someone to wait on J”  How cute is that X).  Still fell a little bad though.  ANYways, I’m gonna cut this blog short.  Finally finished the roommate topic.  I know yall are happy about that X).  But yeah.  Until next time.

Roommate status right now
Daniel and I for Prom

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Roommate Tiff Part 2

                Sorry for leaving you hanging last week, guys.  For right now there is a number limit on these blogs and I had already crossed it X).  But yeah…what was I talking about? OH YEAH!!!! roommate.
                Wells, that horrible thing she did was that she went to our hall’s RA and told her about me.  SHE WENT TO THE FREAKING RA BEOFRE INSTEAD OF COMING TO ME!!! Even the RA had said at my roommate and I’s first roommate agreement meeting that if we have issues with each other then we should go to each other before we come to her.  But noooooooo. What does she do? Complain about me to our friends and then gets the RA involved……..wonderful.
                But yeah.  So I was blindsided by another roommate meeting that SHE set up and planned for when I got back to the room.  I was annoyed but one of my friends told me it was going to happen sometime that day so whatever.  But when we went in to talk to the RA things went south.  Apparently my roommate doesn’t feel “comfortable” with Daniel spending the night.  She says it’s just weird.  Don’t see why when he doesn’t go remotely near here or any of her things but whatever.  So that part of the roommate agreement was changed to satisfy my roommate; No one of the opposite sex is allowed to spend the night.  Then she said she wasn’t comfortable with Daniel being in the room while I’m not there.  Let me just tell you, Daniel has given my roommate no reason not to trust him.  He was never mean to her.  He was never near her side of the room or her stuff.  And he was nothing but nice to her.  And so…that part of the roommate agreement was changed as well; No guests are allowed in the room without the person who invited them also being in the room.  I was so upset that I started crying.  I was so MAD that I couldn’t even say anything.  I knew if I had said what was on my mind right then and there…..things would’ve gone down.  OH!!!! Another thing! When our RA asked what she wanted  Daniel to do since he can’t spend the night and he’s not allowed there when I’m not guess what my Roommate said…..” Stay at Ferrum (his college).”  She actually said…..she wanted him to stay at Ferrum.  That female Dog!.... But with the new roommate rules and me having to work on the weekends….that’s basically what was going to happen.
                And so… roommate got her way…and we didn’t talk…again…….it’s whatever.  When we did start talking a little bit (more her talking about her stuff and me pretending to be interested) I asked if Daniel could come over at least twice a month.  She was silent and then she said she wasn’t comfortable with him here.  I argued for it again and then gave up… I asked headmistress roommate if he can come over at least once a month. Again she was silent….and then she said yes.  Thank to lord! (she did specify that it would be once a month for this semester though…so I think she’s considering different roommate options…whatever) But yeah, so make it official I had to make a meeting with the RA again to change to roommate agreement again, telling my roommate about it (date and time)…and guess what she does this time…….let me tell you….next week J
Talk to you late


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Roommate Tiff

                When I came to college, I was looking forward to a couple things: new people, independence, the campus, the food, and lastly becoming best friends with my roommate.  Everything is just how I expected it to be….all but the roommate part.
                I feel that roommates are supposed to be friends. Like really close friends.  I mean, they freaking live together…in the same room…sharing 14 square feet of space.  Life would be a LOT simpler and more fun if you and your roommate were friends.  But, my roommate see things differently. Let’s start from the beginning.
                My boyfriend Daniel came over for the first time a couple weeks ago.  His college is about an hour and a half away from here, it isn’t that easy to commute between the 2 daily.  I picked him up Saturday and we chilled at my dorm for a bit but then I had to go to work.  Keep in mind my roommate agreed to let Daniel stay here while I was at work and overnight.  SO….I went to work.  Daniel, not knowing VT all that well, had to stay in my dorm room while I was gone.  And my roommate don’t say ANYTHING to me about it.  The next morning we left for his college and I came back Sunday night.  The rest of the week passed a little…..weird.  My roommate and I used to talk.  I mean, we weren’t best friends but I considered us to be at least friends. But that week….she didn’t really talk to me.  You know who she did talk to?..... Our mutual friends….about me…...WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?!?! She was complaining to them about Daniel staying in the dorm while I’m gone and I leaving me closest door open (by accident) and how much it bothered her.  I found all of this out from our friends….instead of her. 
                When I tried to confront her about it, she wouldn’t budge.  She would say there was nothing wrong and nothing to talk about.  I didn’t even really get mad about her talking to our friends about me.  I was more upset over the fact that she didn’t come to ME about it. I’M FLEXIBLE. I’M WILLING TO COMPROMISE OR WHATEVER! But nooooooooo, there was nothing wrong. Whatever.
 Anyways, a few days before the confrontation, my roommate and I had set up our roommate agreement. It says that visitors are allowed over and males are allowed to spend the night.  Since she had upset me with the whole “nothing’s wrong” bull poop I TOLD her I was picking up Daniel last weekend and bringing him back. And she said ok.  The same thing happened last weekend as it did the weekend before; I brought Daniel back, spent some time with him, went to work, came back, went to sleep, and Daniel and I left Sunday morning.  And AGAIN… roommate complained about it to everyone…..EVERYONE….but me.  Even being REALLY passive aggressive towards me, which hurt a lot. And then she did something so really messed up and really hurtful….but I’ll tell you all about that next week.
Until next time.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Get to know Me :)


My name is Devi Sturm and I'm a freshman here at Virginia Tech.  When back home in Virginia beach, Va, I live with my mom, Marion Taylor, my dad, Russel Taylor, my younger sister, Ali, and my younger brother, Rusty.  I am the oldest out of all my siblings; however, I am also the shortest.  That's what you get when you cross German and Dominican heritage X).  I also have a cat back home named Bojangles.  He is a black cat with a grey/white belly and yellow/green eyes.  He is more dog like that of the dogs I've seen.  For example, every time my family or I walk even remotely close to the pantry (where his food is) his materializes out of thin air right by your side and won't leave you alone until you give him just a liiiiiittle bit more food X).  My family and I used to have a dog too.  His name was Prince.  He was a Cocker Spanial with blond fur and brown eyes.  He was so hyper!  When he wasn't running around acting all crazy he was coming up to you with the  cutest little face you've ever seen and you couldn't help but love him.  He recently passed away due to a really big flea problem we had.  I was there when he died.  I still get really emotional when I think about Prince.  Like right now, I'm crying, but it's better to talk about it than to bottle it all up inside. SO.....I'll talk to you guys :). I will write about that experience in a later blog.  Buuuuuut yeah, back to less sad stuffs X).  My mom is the oldest of 3 girls. Her mom, my Oma, is the oldest of 3 also (Thought that was pretty kool).  My mom is from Munich, Germany and can speak fluent German (I can't cause I didn't have to patience to learn BUT I took 4 years of German in high school :) ).  My mom's family are all in Europe somewhere and I've only ever met my Oma and Opa in person.  I believe i have....9 cousins on my mom's side?...not really sure X).My father is Dominican but we don't really talk much.  My dad is from Pennsylvania and is the youngest of 2 boys and I have 2 younger cousins on my dad's side.  90 My favorite color is green (all types except for neon and puke).  My favorite animals are frogs (but I love ALL animals).  My fear (that has just recently developed....for unknown reasons) is the fear of depth.  I know. Weird, right?  Like the underwater or underground scenes in movies freak me out to no end!  or FOG!  That freaks me out too.  I'm just afraid of somethings ability to come out of nowhere and me not knowing where it's coming from....don't judge.  I have a boyfriend of over 2 years named Daniel.  He means everything to me and I Love Him with everything I am.  Sorry about the lovey dovey stuffs X).

Rusty, Papap(dad's dad), dad, and mom

Rusty, me, Ali

dad, me, mom

Daniel and I

Daniel and I
I'm gonna stop there.
Let you guys take that all in. X)
Hope your brains don't explode!
Until next time!
